Journal rankings

Especially for junior researchers, it can be difficult to keep track of all the journals in one's discipline. Bibliometric measures are helpful, taken with a grain of salt, but the large number of metrics reported for each journal can be confusing. While the impact factor is the most commonly used metric for evaluating the quality and importance of an academic outlet, it is also overly sensitive to individual well-cited articles. That is why I compiled this list.

The impact factor tells us how frequently journals were cited in the past, but as researchers we want to publish in journals with many future citations. Ideally, we would like to adjust the current impact factors for temporary effects and extrapolate trends that are likely to continue. The list is therefore sorted on a (very simple) forecast of future impact factors, intended to serve as the only bibliometric measure you need. The table also includes current impact factors (2015) as well as ratings from the Norwegian system (NSD).

Political science journals

Rank Name Forecast 2015 5-year 2015 NSD
1American Political Science Review4.203.446.342
2Political Analysis4.153.496.102
3American Journal of Political Science4.094.515.422
4Annual Review of Political Science3.283.464.292
5Political Geography2.662.733.022
7Journal of Peace Research2.582.153.282
8British Journal of Political Science2.473.122.832
9Regulation & Governance2.352.722.291
10Perspectives on Politics2.342.463.262
11Global Environmental Politics2.312.322.981
12European Journal of Political Research2.242.532.692
13Comparative Political Studies2.192.212.832
14Journal of Politics2.151.842.902
15Socio-Economic Review2.111.932.821
16Political Psychology2.072.092.571
17Public Opinion Quarterly2.061.432.832
18Journal of Conflict Resolution2.051.692.572
19Review of International Political Economy2.002.412.391
20Public Administration2.001.922.272
21European Union Politics1.981.752.412
22Journal of European Public Policy1.961.962.102
23Political Sociology1.931.432.552
24The Review of International Organizations1.932.442.212
25International Studies Quarterly1.931.942.302
26African Affairs1.861.901.941
27Political Behavior1.851.752.602
28Environmental Politics1.842.162.041
29The International Journal of Press/Politics1.771.982.432
30Policy Studies Journal1.731.762.331
31Political Communication1.731.512.372
32Philosophy & Public Affairs1.701.652.492
33Journal of Common Market Studies1.681.831.771
34West European Politics1.651.462.102
35The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science1.581.711.931
36New Political Economy1.541.671.991
37Quarterly Journal of Political Science1.521.641.652
38Journal of Democracy1.501.421.752
39International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics1.481.291.681
40International Political Sociology1.451.281.751
41New Left Review1.421.221.371
42Party Politics1.421.272.082
43European Journal of Political Economy1.411.251.651
44Electoral Studies1.391.401.692
45Journal of Political Philosophy1.311.041.702
46International Journal of Transitional Justic1.291.251.411
47Scandinavian Political Studies1.270.631.321
48Political Studies1.251.161.592
49Political Research Quarterly1.241.121.542
50Politics & Gender1.231.021.652
51British Journal of Politics and International Relations1.191.421.261
52Journal of European Integration1.181.13.1
53Journal of Comparative Politics1.161.101.572
54European Political Science Review1.161.191.741
55Journal of Public Policy1.151.001.602
57International Studies Review1.151.281.291
59Post-Soviet Affairs1.111.051.191
61Review of Policy Research1.091.171.271
62Social Science Quarterly1.070.751.461
63Publius: The Journal of Federalism1.071.051.161
64Terrorism and Political Violence1.070.931.041
65Swiss Political Science Review1.051.261.33.
66Policy & Politics1.051.201.131
67Studies in Comparative International Development1.040.901.251
68Comparative European Politics1.041.261.111
69Legislative Studies Quarterly1.030.811.342
70International Political Science Review1.030.951.392
71Public Choice1.020.901.161
72State Politics & Policy Quarterly0.980.701.27.
73Human Rights Quarterly0.980.631.211
74Mediterranean Politics0.980.741.361
75Acta Politica0.970.771.131
76Cooperation and Conflict0.961.001.061
77International Theory0.950.741.321
78American Politics Research0.930.761.151
79International Feminist Journal of Politics0.910.971.162
80Review of African Political Economy0.900.891.141
81Journal of Strategic Studies0.890.890.951
82South European Society and Politics0.891.240.971
83Policy and Society0.880.94.1
84Parliamentary Affairs0.880.851.011
85Local Government Studies0.860.801.021
86Politická ekonomie0.840.901.011
87Government and Opposition0.830.750.921
88Political Studies Review0.830.571.19.
89Global Policy0.820.840.941
90Ethics & International Affairs0.820.58.1
91Journal of Theoretical Politics0.800.630.882
92Contemporary Politics0.800.930.991
93Economics and Politics0.780.650.931
94Journal of International Relations and Development0.780.730.901
95Armed Forces & Society0.780.630.671
96Cambridge Review of International Affairs0.780.900.891
97Political Science and Politics0.770.710.841
98Citizenship Studies0.770.620.881
99Europe-Asia Studies0.760.670.761
100Political Theory0.750.720.701

Economic journals

Rank Name Forecast 2015 5-year 2015 NSD
1Journal of Economic Literature8.366.6111.171
2Quarterly Journal of Economics6.795.549.612
3The Journal of Finance5.395.117.612
4Journal of Economic Perspectives5.045.016.661
5Journal of Financial Economics4.363.545.832
6Journal of Political Economy4.313.755.972
8Journal of Accounting and Economics4.033.545.972
9Review of Financial Studies4.023.125.262
10American Economic Journal: Applied Economics3.934.045.432
11Transportation Research Part B: Methodological3.913.774.831
12Review of Economic Studies3.904.084.972
13Economic Systems Research3.795.313.931
14American Economic Review3.773.835.142
15Journal of Economic Geography3.723.434.032
16Review of Environmental Economics and Policy3.693.504.661
17Economic Geography3.672.824.532
18Value in Health3.413.823.761
19American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics3.362.574.512
20Ecological Economics3.293.234.231
21Brookings Papers on Economic Activity3.272.225.131
22Review of Economics and Statistics3.172.983.992
23Journal of European Economic Association2.923.464.152
24Energy Economics2.912.863.571
25Journal of Economic Growth2.772.123.302
26American Economic Journal: Economic Policy2.772.793.752
27Experimental Economics2.691.843.702
28Journal of Labor Economics2.683.213.362
29Annual Review of Economics2.672.043.781
31Journal of Environmental Economics and Management2.642.203.272
32Economic Policy2.602.063.371
33Economic Journal2.602.373.582
34IMF Economic Review2.542.373.431
35Journal of Health Economics2.502.343.092
36Journal of International Economics2.452.023.282
37 Journal of Monetary Economics2.402.492.892
38Journal of Human Resources2.352.002.932
39Journal of Urban Economics2.352.123.002
40Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation2.352.283.321
41Health Economics2.282.152.562
42World Development2.282.443.102
43Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice2.271.993.002
44Food Policy2.262.042.951
45Journal of Development Economics2.241.842.902
46Journal of Transport Geography2.232.092.931
47 Technological and Economic Development of Economy2.231.952.06.
48Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society2.202.113.051
49Journal of Policy Analysis and Management2.192.332.902
50Economics & Human Biology2.181.642.461
51Journal of Business & Economic Statistics2.141.653.132
52Journal of Applied Econometrics2.111.872.712
53Energy Journal2.081.662.472
54Review of Finance2.042.082.562
55European Journal of Health Economics2.002.272.281
56Journal of Regional Science1.991.632.861
57Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis1.981.632.562
58Journal of Banking & Finance1.971.492.041
59Work, Employment & Society1.952.152.372
60Journal of Econometrics1.951.612.482
61Journal of Economic Surveys1.912.092.341
62Journal of Agrarian Change1.911.232.681
63Small Business Economics1.881.792.321
64Regional Studies1.871.992.411
65Mathematical Finance1.862.282.002
66Journal of Public Economics1.831.442.712
67Environmental and Resource Economics1.791.672.241
68Journal of Risk and Uncertainty1.791.432.332
69World Bank Research Observer1.761.672.081
70American Economic Journal: Microeconomics1.731.362.232
71RAND Journal of Economics1.731.582.132
72Journal of Economic Psychology1.711.682.061
73Economic Sociology1.711.202.20.
74Industrial and Corporate Change1.691.332.171
75Transport Policy1.691.522.241
76Journal of Agricultural Economics1.671.542.041
77Journal of Financial Stability1.651.692.091
78International Journal of Forecasting1.651.631.992
79Land Economics1.641.451.891
80Econometric Review1.641.821.591
81World Bank Economic Review1.631.182.061
82Journal of Law and Economics1.621.451.942
83Journal of Law, and Economics, and Organization1.611.371.682
84Resource and Energy Economics1.531.251.931
85Review of Economic Dynamics1.511.262.082
86European Review of Agricultural Economics1.511.541.831
87Theoretical Economics1.501.731.782
88American Journal of Agricultural Economics1.491.441.831
89Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy1.481.151.871
90European Economic Review1.471.101.902
91International Review of Economics & Finance1.461.851.541
92Journal of Money, Credit and Banking1.461.361.722
93Journal of Comparative Economics1.441.381.571
94Journal of Risk Insurance1.441.531.751
95Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization1.441.371.762
96International Economic Review1.431.291.612
97Quantitative Economics1.431.222.672
98Insurance: Mathematics and Economics1.411.381.631
99Agricultural Economics1.411.741.701
100Emerging Markets Review1.401.551.571